ÜÇGE introduced its new brand iCu, which eliminates 99.9% of all microbes on the most touched surfaces with its antimicrobial feature, and its launch product. iCu branded products were introduced to the market as an innovative solution that will meet the needs of all sectors by providing a safe contact area for public health.
iCu destroys 99.9% of microbes on its surface
iCu markasına sahip ürünlerin, içeriğindeki özel alaşım ile güvenli temas noktaları sağladığının altını çizen Kurtçu “Genellikle sağlık tesisleri, hastaneler, market ve mağazalar, oteller, okullar, özel ve kamu kuruluşları, toplu ulaşım araçları gibi sirkülasyonun ve ortak temasın yoğun olduğu alanlarda, dokunarak kolayca yayılan birçok virüs, bakteri ve mikroba maruz kalıyoruz. Yoğun şekilde kimyasal dezenfektan kullanımına yöneliyoruz ya da bir şekilde temas etmek zorunda kalıyoruz. iCu markalı ürünlerimizde kullanılan özel alaşım, insan teması ile üzerinde oluşan en tehlikeli mikrobikleri bile temas itibarıyla geçen her dakika, artan oranda hemen öldürmeye başlıyor ve 2 saat içinde ,9’unun öldürülerek yok edilmesine destek oluyor. iCu markasına sahip ürünlerimiz, ABD Çevre Koruma Ajansı (EPA) standartlarında olan Antimikrobiyal Metaller sınıfından alaşımlar kullanılarak imal edilmektedir. iCu aynı zamanda, üniversite laboratuarında, ürünleri test edilerek belgelenen tescilli markamızdır” dedi.
iCu for Safe Point of Contact
Kurtçu also made a statement about the launch product of the iCu brand "As a company that has been serving the retail sector in the field of store equipment and warehouse shelf systems for forty-five years, we have seen that the contact points that people are most anxious about in stores and markets are shopping carts. Based on this, we have realized the launch product of the iCu brand on grocery carts. In addition to the grocery cart handle product, our product range for the retail sector also includes products such as handles for order picking carts and handles for dressing booths, which are intensive contact points. We and sector brands have a great responsibility for both public health and a safe and hygienic shopping experience. In this context, we will soon start to see and experience our products, which attract great interest from our customers, in shopping stores. We offer our iCu products to our customers with production flexibility, product diversity and advantageous prices."
Kurtçu said, "iCu also provides solutions to the health and hygiene needs of all businesses with a product range that will cover many contact point products such as door handles, furniture accessories, stair railings in all sectors."
iCu; An Important Investment for "Social Responsibility" for Public Health
Kurtçu underlined that the investment that businesses will realize with iCu branded products will also add value as an investment that will support brand image and loyalty, especially within the scope of social responsibility for public health.