Damla Aras Liderler Zirvesi'nde İş Dünyasına Perspektifler Sundu-01

Damla Aras Liderler Zirvesi'nde İş Dünyasına Perspektifler Sundu

At the 5th Digital CEO and Leaders Summit held in Çeşme, Damla Aras assessed the future of the business world with her Vision 100 book entitled "Digital CEO / Next 100 Years / 2023 ", which was specially presented to the participants. Aras' speech in the Executive Opinions section, entitled "Creating Value for the Future in the New Century", offered important perspectives for the business world.

Big Opportunities for Businesses Through Digital Transformation

Referring to the challenges facing businesses in the fight against pandemics, climate change, natural disasters and economic crises, Aras stressed that digital transformation has the potential to turn these challenges into opportunities. He explained that the process of transforming the way businesses operate will play a critical role in shaping the future of business.

Digitalisation in Retail, Logistics and Industrial Sectors

Aras, perakende, lojistik ve sanayi sektörlerini derinden etkileyen dijitalleşmenin, iş yapış biçimlerini etkilediğini belirtti. Geleceğin teknolojisi arasında e-ticaret platformları, akıllı mağazacılık konseptleri ve veri analitiği gibi faktörlerin, tüketicilerin beklentilerini daha iyi anlamada önemli bir rol oynayacağını vurguladı.

Digital Merchandising and Personalised Experience

Noting that the belief that stores will shrink in the retail sector with rapid digitalisation has been updated as digital stores and personalised experience space, Aras stated that strengthening digital infrastructure and adopting data-driven solutions will provide competitive advantage in the sector. In addition, Aras highlighted the importance of data security measures, stating that sensitivity to personal data protection plays a critical role in creating a trusted brand.

ÜÇGE's Vision for the Future.

Damla Aras stated that ÜÇGE will continue to provide solutions that adapt to changing consumer expectations in retail, logistics and environmental technologies by combining its many years of experience in the sector with innovative perspectives brought by the future. ÜÇGE, which aims to lead the digital transformation of the sector with its Blu.xone brand and strong partner ecosystem, will continue to shape the future of the sector by bringing together innovations.