ÜÇGE Takes a New Step on its Innovation Journey with the BRAVO Idea Management System

ÜÇGE Group Companies have introduced the BRAVO Idea Management System, which brings innovation to their continuous improvement processes. This new system aims to support corporate sustainability by enhancing efficiency and adapting to the pace of change in business processes.

ÜÇGE Group Companies have taken another significant step on their journey toward organizational development. The Group has implemented the BRAVO Idea Management System, where employees' ideas are evaluated on a project basis. Speaking about the project, ÜÇGE Management Systems Director Halit Yılmaz said, "We place great importance on the ideas of our valuable stakeholders—our employees. BRAVO is a comprehensive system where all our employees can freely share their suggestions for product, process, and organizational improvement. Every idea is evaluated objectively and encouraged by management. Each new idea and implementation that comes through BRAVO will take us further along the path of continuous improvement. We have shaped the BRAVO Idea Management System around five core focuses: Knowledge, Route, Added Value, Efficiency, and Collective Intelligence. In line with these perspectives, we take steps based on our corporate value of 'Respect,' which includes respect for people, the environment, and new ideas. Furthermore, we are increasing our focus on innovations that will enhance business performance and add value to the company and all its stakeholders, in line with our principle of 'Being Innovative,' which is central to our business practices. With the BRAVO Idea Management System, we aim to both increase employee motivation and strengthen corporate sustainability."

Yılmaz also mentioned that they have completed the first phase of the BRAVO Idea Management System, which is at the heart of the company’s innovation efforts. He thanked all the employees who contributed to the year-long project, as well as the management team that supported the process. Yılmaz expressed excitement about moving on to the next phase, which will include important steps such as innovation management planning and a technological roadmap.